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Phototype Secure Locker System Menggunakan RFID Pada Laboratorium Univrsitas Global Jakarta

Balamaru, Bakti Phototype Secure Locker System Menggunakan RFID Pada Laboratorium Univrsitas Global Jakarta. [Skripsi]

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Smart locker system is a storage system equipped with advanced technology t secure and minage accers to valuables or objects. The system consists of electronic lockers that can be controlled automatically using various identification methods, such as RFID cards, fingerprints, or pin codes. This study aims to design a security system that can improve security in the lock bax of the laboratory room of Global University Jakarta by using an RFID system. This study uses Research and Development Method fresearch and development) to develop a prototype to improve the security of laboratory room lock boxes. Based on the results of research and testing, RFID Reader can read objects with a maximum distance of 3cm. The voltage on the RFID Reader is normal with an average of 3.185 V with an average error of 3.48%, from 91 tests at each reflection multiple of 300 for each reading distance. Data delivery in the form of telegram notifications was sent in an average time span of 7.96s from 50 tests. The lock box security system can be well designed, it can also control the servo motor actuator. To control more doors it is better to use a relay module that integrates with the doorlock, or if you still want to use a servo motor it is recommended to use another microcontroller that has more PWM pins available, recording of the reading results is better using its own database, with its own database then to register new objects or delete registered objects can be done in the database. With the design of the database, it would be better designed web monitoring to monitor the activities of using the key box, both updates on RFID and monitoring the results of readings by the system.

Keyword: Smart Locker, RFID, Prototype

Tipe Dokumen: Skripsi
Tipe: Skripsi
Jurusan: Program Studi Teknik Elektro
Depositing User: Users 8 not found.
Date Deposited: 03 May 2024 01:35
Last Modified: 25 Jun 2024 01:35

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