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Perancangan keamanan rumah dari tindak kejahatan berbasis Internet of Thinks dengan laser sebagai sensor utama

,, Wahyudin Perancangan keamanan rumah dari tindak kejahatan berbasis Internet of Thinks dengan laser sebagai sensor utama. [Skripsi]

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The high crime rate in Indonesia makes people wary when crime occurs in their environment. Low security and supervision is one of the factors in the occurrence of crime, especially house burglary, which often occurs around villages or even densely populated cities, of course this is a concern on how to create a sense of security when we are resting at night or when we are outside. home by combining technological advances as a base. Development of home security system design from crime. The design of the tool that we built was made using two sensors, namely: a laser sensor as the main sensor that surrounds the house using 4 mirrors installed in every corner of the house then a PIR sensor which functions to back up the laser sensor if the laser sensor cannot detect objects that pass through it.. After the sensor detects the object, it will turn on the buzzer and lighting using a relay and then send a notification via firebase to the android application. The research method used is engineering with the Borg & Gall development model through 4 steps, namely: 1) Needs analysis, 2) Planning and Design, 3) Development, and 4) Testing and improvement. The results of this research on making home security tools will create a sense of security for homeowners in order to protect their lives and valuable assets for their owners. Another advantage of making this tool is that it is easy to implement and the price offered is relatively cheap because it uses a Wemos D1 R2 microcontroller that is compatible with the esp6288 module so that the price spent is less than buying an arduino with esp6288 separately.

Keyword: Home security, Laser sensor, Wemos D1 R2

Tipe Dokumen: Skripsi
Tipe: Skripsi
Jurusan: Program Studi Teknik Elektro
Depositing User: Users 8 not found.
Date Deposited: 03 May 2024 03:17
Last Modified: 25 Jun 2024 01:34

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